A Police Cruiser |
May 6th, 2015
English Rhys and I both agreed that the days have been rather shapeless. We have both been waking up later and later because there’s no real reason to get up. I suggested that we start going everyday to the gym at noon to get the day started; he agrees. Dutch Laurens is still pretty sick - an infection and food poisoning don’t mix with drinking and exercising. We gym, chat a little, and then head our separate ways.
Are those Limes or Lemons? |
Yuzu has come to town (her share house is 30 min away by bus) and is doing work at the state library. I head on over there to find she still wants to do more work for another half hour. Cool, I’ll grab a coffee somewhere. I sit in the shade, watching the giant, crazy video screen that continually plays strange videos (like a budgie riding on a roller coaster) in the cultural centre. The cafe gives me the wrong drink, which I set right. This, for whatever reason, sparks up a conversation with the guy next to me who is playing a game on his iPad. His name is (Indonesian) Dista - he used to be a radio DJ, and singer/performer back in Indonesia. He came here because he felt he would have to leave Indonesia to get further ahead in life. His house is close (so I thought) to the cultural centre which is in his partner’s name, and says he’s always looking to make friends. He says he’ll probably be going out this weekend and that he’ll be having some people over to pre-drink before the club, extending an invitation my way. Sweet, Friends!
We thought this was a terrible ride.
It's actually "leg press" |
Yuzu is about done, and has a few errands that need to be done. I lead the way to the police station so she can get her ID validated (they just photocopy it and sign it.. I don’t get it.) We then go to a nearby hostel that has scanners available to buy time on. While she does that, I’m starving, leading me to wander down the street in search of coffee milk. I’m in luck: they’re normally $3.50 for a large individual milk container, but I find two that are $1 each. I give one to Yuzu, and I make fun of her for not being able to drink and walk.
We walk back to my place, drop off our stuff, and head over to Coles (Co-lez (not actually)) to get the ingredients needed to make Japanese curry - something I’ve always wanted to make! Yuzu says she’s a bad cook, but it’s so easy to make that she’ll show me how. Oh god, so glad we did this. It was very easy, and very good. Do make - Do.
Prepping the Curry |
My back is killing me, and Yuzu is a trained masseuse from one of her jobs in Tasmania. She had given other people massages, and actually has a job coming up where she’s supposed to give a couple an oil massage. I ask for one, and she agrees. I’ve never had a dry massage before, but it was really good. She then practiced her technique for an oil massage (sans oil) to remember for later. Oh man, I wish I could afford massages every day.
At about 10pm, we walk over to the bus stop and I wait to see her off. I also teach her a few phrases in English (“I’ve had it up to HERE with you!”), and she teaches me some phrases in Japanese (How are you? I’m good, you?).
Back at the sharehouse, I call my parents, then my sister, and crash for the night around 2.
Bonus Pic: Yuzu on some other strange exercise machine in the park.
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